Author: Greg Tharpe
The world
is full of problems collectively and individually; we all experience them, no one is exempt.
However, ninety percent of the root causes and sources of all problems in life are spiritual
e.g., subconscious, and can't be seen. What we see and experience in life, both on the physical
and material level, are the symptoms/effects and are mistaken as the problems.
Therefore, in reality, you can't see the problem; it is invisible. You can only
see the symptom. But, treating the symptoms won't cure the problem. It will remain and the
symptoms will return until it is cured.
For example, you can't cure poverty by giving away money, food and clothes. That
may be part of the cure and a temporary fix, but it is not the solution. The solution is not on
the material level, because the cause of the problem is not on the material level. The solution
is spiritual knowledge and desire. It is the only solution to that person getting out of
The cause of the problem is spiritual; therefore, the solution must also be
spiritual. In most cases, the mind has been negatively influenced with bad beliefs, which causes
bad choices, which causes bad actions and behaviors, inward and outward. The bad
information/beliefs are the causes of problems in your mind and symptoms that manifest in your
body and life.
Deep in the subconscious mind, you will find one or all these core reasons
causing our outward symptoms that we call problems:
Spiritual Ignorance - Separation from God (truth) because of misinformation and/or
mis-education. Wrong thoughts and belief about life, God, and self based on your
opinion or someone else's, rather than based on the divine spiritual truth.
Lack of Desire - Content, settled... no goals, no hope, no desire to change, grow,
develop and improve thinking.
You cannot see the cause; you can only see the effect. Not all of what we call
problems that we are experiencing are the problem, they are the symptoms caused by our deeper
problem. Symptoms are the visible manifestations of the invisible problem. In other words,
symptoms are literal, physical and material e.g., visible, and the problem is invisible. It is
erroneous data. What we visibly see in life and call problems, are symptoms of the spiritual
problem that we can't see.
The stress, worry, anxiety, human relations, hate, discrimination, injustice,
crime, violence, marital problems, personal issues, disagreements, drug addictions, alcoholism,
disease, poverty, debt problems... etc., all stem from our deeper problems that we cannot see.
In the world, we are trying to solve our problems by fixing the symptoms. We are not wise enough
to know that this is only temporary and that you can't fix a problem by fixing the symptoms. Our
spiritual ignorance blinds us to this fact.
The Government is trying to fix the economic and social problems using money
e.g., welfare, stimulus packages etc., as the solution. Religions are trying to fix the world by
selling people their religious version of God, not based on the whole spiritual truth. False
prophets are trying to get people to believe that a piece of cloth or a piece of metal or snake
oil will solve their problems.
The experts are trying to fix the marriage, family relations, stress/ anxiety
and financial problems with non-spiritual advice, concepts and ideas. Doctors are trying to fix
(treat and cure) illnesses using medicines that only treat the symptoms and have negative side
effects. At the very best, these remedies alone are only a part of the solution; they act as
band-aids and will only patch up the problem.
Until we fix the problem at the source, the subconscious spiritual root, the
symptoms that we call problems will continue to remain or flare up repeatedly. Therefore, to
cure your problems in life you must treat them at the root cause instead of at the effect. Pray
unceasingly, change the beliefs that are causing the subconscious mind to create the negative
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Author Greg Tharpe offers multiple avenues to achieve Spiritual
Enlightenment and Life Wisdom including Online Seminars, Personalized Coaching, Live Events and
Keynote Speaking.