Christian Sprituality Breakthrough


  Human Potential - Rethinking What's Possible

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Author: Greg Tharpe

There is a verse in the Bible that says "all things are possible to him who believes." Let's be realistic, we know that all things are not humanly possible i.e. the human body has its limitations.


However, we human beings have a mind that has the ability/potential to think the thoughts and believe the beliefs that will cause our subconscious mind, i.e. soul, potential energy, heart, life (energy), divinity (God in us), creator etc., to cause our body and life to bring those thoughts and beliefs to life (manifest).


The biggest cause of the problems that we face is that we don't believe in our full potential. We say we do, but, we are fooling ourselves. The belief is in our head and not in our heart/subconscious. It is obvious by our emotional, physical and/or financial state (manifestations) that we are experiencing today. Furthermore, we are not focused on the things that are most important in life, e.g. happiness, good health and prosperity. Again, it's obvious by our results.


What we believe in and focus on manifests. The subconscious (life energy) takes those words or imaginary pictures (data) and brings them into creation within the body and life experiences. Therefore, our beliefs and focus are out of whack. If we focus on the right thoughts and beliefs, our potential energy that all humans are connected to will manifest/bring these words i.e.. happiness, good health and prosperity to life. Our life would be Heaven on earth - guaranteed!


Here is the kicker; I'll say this from a biblical perspective, the Devil/Satan i.e. negative energy, does not want you to be successful. However, he will allow us limited success, so we will be content. His role and mission in the game of life is to get us to not believe in ourselves or not believe in the full capability of our potential energy, i.e. God within, power to bring abundant success in each part of your life.


Therefore, if he can't get you not to believe, he is going to try to distract you and get your attention on all of the non-enriching stuff going on in the world. Even if you have faith, without focus it is dead.


Faith and focus have to be developed, but it's possible through spiritual growth. As your spiritual wisdom grows so will your faith and focus grow and so will your happiness and the rest of your blessings grow.


The bottom line is, "what the mind can conceive, the heart can believe, you can achieve".


It is a blessing for me to share this article with you and my hope is that it blesses you. Please take 10 seconds to opt-in to my Newsletter so we can form a spiritual friendship and I can provide you more inspirational messages as they flow through me. Spiritual Truth is here now...thank you!  Greg Tharpe -


Author Greg Tharpe offers multiple avenues to achieve Spiritual Enlightenment and Life Wisdom including Online Seminars, Personalized Coaching, Live Events and Keynote Speaking. 

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