Christian Sprituality Breakthrough


  Are You Committed to A Totally Successful Life

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Author: Greg Tharpe

His life was very tumultuous and quickly spiraling downhill. One day as he was feeling victimized and drowning in his sorrows, a silent voice spoke to him and said, "You were born to succeed, built to achieve and endowed with the seed of greatness." From that day on, he made the commitment to seek understanding of the voice within and change his perspective of self and life. As he began to understand the voice and listen to it more, his whole perspective on self and life began to change. He began to eat healthier and exercise. He attracted a great idea and started a business that was very prosperous. He attracted his soul mate. He found peace within himself which radiated out into his life. He began to help others who were living in darkness find their light. His life was like as if he had died and gone to a Heaven on Earth.


"You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived. But now you must rid yourself of all such things as these: Anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of the Creator." [Colossians 3:7-10 (NIV)]


Are You Committed to A Totally Successful LifeDecide on the type person that you would like to become. Look in the mirror at yourself … BE HONEST! Do you totally, one hundred percent like the person that you are right now (inside and out)? Do you need some improvements or are you perfect? Do you like being angry? Do you like being stressed out? Do you like worrying? Do you like being sick? Do you like arguing? Do you like being in debt? Do you like being dependent on others? Do you like feeling insecure? Do you like the idea of having to work all of your life just to make ends meet?


Rid yourself of the old naive (egoistic) limited self-image and rise up in a new spiritual limitless self-image. Commit to change … commit to being a renewed - improved - phenomenal person. Commit to unleashing all of the following greatness attributes currently housed within you:

  • MORE SPIRITUAL – Actively engaged in spiritual transformational educational; outlook on life based more on spirit and truth or a sixth sense (instinct), rather than the material/physical world. This is your key to total success and a fulfilling life.
  • MORE POSITIVE – Thinking, saying and doing positive thoughts, words and deeds only. Delete negative impurities from mind, body and soul.
  • MORE PATIENT – Not getting frustrated when you have to wait; realizing that waiting is a natural part of life.
  • MORE HUMBLE – Realizing that humility is one of the greatest virtues of life.
  • MORE PEACEFUL – Calm, cool and collected in all situations.
  • MORE FOCUSED – Overcoming the distractions, weaning yourself from the things that are not important in life and concentrating on the things that are most important.
  • MORE BALANCED – Putting a little bit of everything on your plate, such as work, rest, play/fun, exercise, meditation, study/reading, etc., instead of only one or two items that take up all you time with little reward.
  • MORE AGREEABLE – The ability to see other people’s point of view before you try to get them to see yours.
  • MORE PLEASING & CHARMING PERSONALITY – Treating everyone you meet with respect, dignity and importance, without judgment of their mental intellect. People are your greatest asset; become likeable to everyone by the way you treat people, regardless of race, creed or culture.
  • MORE GOAL ORIENTED – Having goals, dreams, and hope in life. Always striving to be better, something to focus on that will keep you from wandering aimlessly in life.
  • MORE SELF-CONTROL – Develop the ability to control your attention and energy and refrain from doing things that keep you from reaching your goals and dreams.
  • MORE AWARE and CONSCIOUS – Be aware of what you are thinking, saying and doing at all times, so that you can ensure that you are not thinking, saying or doing things that block your blessings.
  • MORE UNSELFISH/COMPASSIONATE – Not just in life for self, family and country, but realizing that we are here to contribute to making the world a better place for everyone.

When you commit to spiritual transformational education or becoming more spiritually aware, your connection to God or spirit will get stronger and guide you to the life of total success and fulfillment that you are here to experience.


Continue to give your new life attention and energy to manifest; visualize, affirm and meditate on the new you. Feel the new experience that you are in the process of co-creating with the help of the spirit of God within you and the Universe.


It is a blessing for me to share this article with you and my hope is that it blesses you. Please take 10 seconds to opt-in to my Newsletter so we can form a spiritual friendship and I can provide you more inspirational messages as they flow through me. Spiritual Truth is here now...thank you!  Greg Tharpe -

Author Greg Tharpe offers multiple avenues to achieve Spiritual Enlightenment and Life Wisdom including Online Seminars, Personalized Coaching, Live Events and Keynote Speaking.

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